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VacuLifter® Assistant

VacuLifter® – The Original



As diverse as the requirements in production - as diverse are the possibilities for the effective use of our systems. Whether narrow, wide, particularly dense and heavy, whether with a sensitive surface, or whether the transport should simply be raised to a new level in terms of efficiency: Hardly any process at our customers is the same in detail as another. And our systems are also adjusted to these processes down to the last detail. So it is not surprising that the market and innovation leaders in particular trust our vacuum technology.

customer list (abstract):
Abeking & Rasmussen, ABUS, Acciona Blades, Acroni, AIRBUS, ALCOA, Almutlak, Alstom, ArcelorMittal, Babcock, BASF, BAE Systems, Bayer, Bernard Krone GmbH, Blohm & Voss, Bosch, Brüggen Fahrzeugwerk, Burg Silvergreen, Butting, CEMAG, Claas, Daimler Chrysler, DEMAG, Deutsche Bahn AG, EADS, ENERCON, ETERNIT AG, FAG, FORD, Fraunhofer Institut, Gazprom, Global Steel, Junge Fahrzeugbau, Volkswagen, John Deere, Kögel, Langendorf, Lecetrailer, Liebherr, Meyer Werft, Miele, Mineralit, NASA, NOKIA, Outokumpu, PowerBlades, Premium Aerotec, Rhenus, Riablades, Rolls Royce, Salzgitter AG


VACULIFT is the global specialist for the in-house transport of heavy and / or sensitive loads and materials with coarse, smooth or air-permeable surfaces with the power of a vacuum. Wherever the precision and efficiency of internal logistics is crucial for the production process, the VacuLifter® vacuum lifting and transport systems have become indispensable today. As a pioneer and inventor of this technology, we have paved the way for it worldwide with many patents over the past 50 years.

VacuLifter® – The Original

Wherever the precision and efficiency of internal logistics is crucial for the production process, our vacuum lifting and transport systems have become indispensable today.

As a pioneer and inventor of this technology, we have paved the way for it worldwide with our patents over the past 50 years.